Summer Showers
Sunday, March 16, 2003
  My last blog is dated 16th February ... and today exactly a month later, Iam back. Suddenly, the drive that moves me on to write something seems terribly missing. I don't know if that's coz my entire life seems like a total non-event, or coz if I've lost this urge to pen my thoughts down to paper... I guess, over these past few weeks, thoughts have taken a shapeless form, hazy and obscure making any kind of retrospection impossible. Seems like, they just seem to gel with the events that happen everyday and don't stand out to prove a point, or make a statement of purpose. I frankly don't know if it's a good sign or not, or if it's for good.. I've all the time in the world (hopefully) to live and watch my (whatever technical jargon I want to name it as) making up its mind and letting me know of its decision.
Let me just do a quick recap of the emotionally charged events that happened over the last month - Of course the immediate ones I could think of are the chat sessions that were supposed to happen, the snake calling me the worst soul to cohabitate, the successes and the failures with the willow, my futile efforts to get back to the study mode - criminal waste of time that I can never forgive myself for. Yeah, I guess I would have a day's blog to pen on all the topics above .. but I guess, a lot of thought has gone into the first few points, that I wouldn't want to go over them again .. right now. But considering the cyclical nature of events Iam sure, I shall back cribbing on all of them in the near future.
Here I lose it again .. the urge to write some more .. would rather go and jog my way to light and the eternal truth in the gym. Adios!  
I took a heavenly ride through our silence
I knew the moment had arrived
For killing the past and coming back to life

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Location: Bangalore, India

Subjectively firm, objectively flexible and metaphysically malleable

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